Getting started with SkiComCu!

The SkiComCu project, funded by EIT RawMaterials, held its kick-off meetng in Athens, Greece, on 29th November 2023. The event was hosted by the coordinatng institution Halcor. The primary objective of the hybrid gathering was to bring together project partners and discuss the work plan across the 7 Work Packages (WPs) and address administrative issues for a smooth implementation of the project in the next 3 years.

Ms. Foteini Maria Kostopoulou, Project Coordinator from Halcor, opened the event with welcoming words, followed by individual presentations about the organizations involved in the project – delivered by their respective representatives at the meeting. The presentations covered the history, infrastructure, staff, and the services provided to the copper and raw materials sectors in Europe.

Subsequently, the WP leaders were invited to present the strategy and timeline for the tasks to be implemented in the coming months for each Work Package, including the expected contributions and participation from other project partners:

  • Halcor – Development of Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy: Introducing SkiComCu outcomes to the market after the end of the EIT RM funding, to guarantee the sustainability of the project.
  • Halcor – Project management: Implementation of all SkiComCu activities and the timely delivery of all project outcomes.
  • Lukasiewicz Research Network – Long term strategic Framework and Methodology for SkiComCu lifelong learning: development needs competence profiles in the Cu sector tailored to EU and RIS territories.
  • NTUA – Design and development of Educational & Training Curriculum and Tools: Creation of educational materials and training curriculum that will be used for the improvement of competencies of employees of all roles in the copper sector.
  • UPM – Design and development of SkiComCu Platform & implementation of XR tools: Creation of the platform that will be the repository of the training materials developed in SkiComCu.
  • KGHM – Pilot testing and validation: Development of the training centres, the validation of the training modules and operations in real conditions via pilot testing training sessions, and the validation of the project outcomes.
  • LPRC – Raising awareness – Dissemination & Built Knowledge Networks: Planning, organisation and implementation of the communication activities and dissemination process aim to ensuring the sustainability of the results of the project and increase their impact.

The last session of the meeting was dedicated to open discussions and the proposed tasks to be accomplished in the short term within SkiComCu. After a full day of presentations and fruitful discussions, the project consortium is aligned to work hard on the implementation of the project tasks in the short, medium, and long term.

We invite you to keep yourself updated with our progress and materials through the SkiComCu website and social media channels!